- Burda

For a majority of our society,copying or following a role model has become a rule of life. Some believe that such copying results from a lack of fine taste or choosing a safer route for life.
Done for whatever reason, the main criterion for such copying is a correct and authentic observation of rules of the original chosen model. When these rules are observed, the copy of our personal role model becomes closer to the original one. Ufortunately, in such copying, the choice of model is aimed at the recognition among acquaitances and those whose judgements have a value in society for the copier pleasing his ego.
Unfortunately one can say with confidence that most copiers are concerned with the appearance of their chosen model and adding their personal character, creating a new synthesis which is not only equivalent with the original but very unfit too. That is why those who are only caught in narrow-mindedness and manipulating their role models and do not come close to the original thinking of their role model for which s/he in distinguished, are easily discerned.
Through his use of the best example of a “model”( dress making patterns), Peyman Shafieezadeh tries to convey such copying in a general symbolic way. The use of these patterns as the basis of these artworks and the real or imaginary figures drawn on them, attracts our attention and makes us ponder and question ourselves: we are copying, not only in our appearance but also unconsciously and in our behaviours and lifestyle.
Such copying is usually done of most prominent global figures, yet, there are also people who copy their close or far relatives. The question of whether we do it correctly is what Peyman Shafieezadeh asks the viewer with his works.
The deliacy and attention particular to this young artist expresses, through his drawings ( figures without the pupil of eye), the aformentioned point bringing under question both the original and the copier and asking whether we have chosen our role model consciously and with prior knowledge? Are we familiar with dimentions of our role model’s thought? In fact this artist’s main question of his audience is: how good do we know ourselves and our ideal model? The creation of such exact and smart artworks by Peyman Shafieezadeh, forces the viewer to respond and refect in the presence of her/his human conscience: a question that one day, we will have to honestly answer to ourselves and the society.

Kaveh Najmabadi